SopCast - Free P2P internet TV | live football, NBA, cricket ▲男大生想約正妹女老師一起出去「玩」,沒想到最後卻神展開。(source:左ycwb/右chinatimes) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 很多網友分享常常藉由wootalk這個軟體而認識到這輩子的真愛,因此許多想脫魯或是想擁有經驗的男生都會玩此軟體,看看能不能藉此約到女生出來爽一下或找到SopCast is a simple, free way to broadcast video and audio or watch the video and listen to radio on the Internet. Adopting P2P(Peer-to-Peer) technology, It is very efficient and easy to use. Let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of a powerful...