瘋狂被玩壞的倫敦地鐵 神標語嚇倒旅遊背包客
"NYPD Blue": The Disappearance of Danny Sorenson - Fun Facts, Questions, Answers, Information 媒體報導,一天到晚在被玩壞的倫敦地鐵,一群無聊人士從幾年前開始印刷各種假標籤,沒事就在地鐵裡貼一下,成就了一道獨特的風景線。結果除了鐵路局本身以外,似乎大家全都覺得挺好玩的,於是這個傳統就一直延續下來了…… Danny Sorenson was a young cop who had been working Narcotics, then was transferred to the 15th Squad to take over for the late Bobby Simone. He encountered some resentment at first, from Andy Sipowicz, who had been Bobby's partner, and from Bobby's ......