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SPB SHELL 3D 1.2.2505 for Nokia N8 & Belle smartphones - Signed Full App Download【環球網綜合報導】割禮是在非洲等地存在的一種儀式,分為男性割禮和女性割禮。女性割禮的目的是割除一部分性器官,以免除其性快感,並且確保女孩在結婚前仍是處女,即使結婚後也會對丈夫忠貞。據估測,目前全世界有超過1.3億女性被迫接受割禮。世界很多人權組織指責割禮是對女性人權的踐踏,是對女性的嚴重傷害。 20SPB Software, a leading mobile software developer, announces the release of SPB Shell 3D for Symbian^3 – a 3D user interface for end users with the best-in-class user experience and great visually appealing design. SPB Shell 3D is a product built on SPB U...


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