spec cpu 2000

SPEC CPU2000 好傳神啊~Pointers to all SPEC CPU2000 material and results ... SPEC CPU2000 V1.3 (RETIRED: February 2007) [ Information | Results | Support Issues] Technology evolves at a breakneck pace. With this in mind, SPEC believes that computer benchmarks need to ......


SPEC - CPU Benchmark Suites - SPEC - Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation 小心未知的去死團襲擊XDSPEC's CPU benchmark suites ... SPEC CPU Benchmark Suites Current Benchmarks SPEC CPU2006 The current release of SPEC's popular processor performance tests; the successor to SPEC CPU2000....


GIGABYTE 技嘉科技 - 主機板, 顯示卡, 筆記型電腦, 平板電腦, 超微型電腦, 伺服器, 電腦周邊, 還有更多產品技嘉用心, 領導創新。技嘉發揮創新優勢, 推出G1 遊戲主機板 ,超耐久 主機板 , 超頻玩家主機板 , WINDFORCE風之力散熱顯示卡 , 技嘉GTX電競筆電 , 技嘉超極緻效能筆電 , 技嘉2-in-1商用娛樂平板電腦 , BRIX ,電競周邊 , 伺服器及企業級資訊設備等產品。...


TP67XE :: Motherboard :: BIOSTAR誰敢靠近...就殺了你!!!     準!看你變成有錢人的指數?TP67XE Intel P67 Supports the Intel 2nd generation Core i7 and Core i5 processors in the 1155 package Intel P67 single chip architecture 10 Phases Power Design Support 4-DIMM DDR3-2200(OC)/2133(OC)/2000(OC)/1600(OC)/1333 up to 32G maximum capacity ......


A780LB :: Motherboard :: BIOSTAR=  =       準!看你變成有錢人的指數?A780LB AMD 760G Socket AM2+ Supports AMD Phenom II Series/ Athlon II Processors Hyper Transport Technology up to 2G Supports AMD Cool'n'Quiet Technology Supports BIO-Remote 2 Technology Supports Charger Booster Technology...


原價屋@酷!PC • 檢視主題 - 【開箱】用心看新,現代化的佈局!Corsair SPEC-03 新品上市。溫馨!!!! 簽名 *詢問價格方面的問題請盡量使用估價系統傳送mail並留下您的姓名與電話,勿使用PM私訊,以免延誤處理速度。*若有緊急案件建議直接來電洽詢,因人力關係無法24小時常駐在線請網友們體諒。Coolpc!...
