speech contest

Speech Contests - Toastmasters International -Home 什麼地方啊,不是很想去誒其實==Speech contests are a Toastmasters tradition. Each year thousands of Toastmasters compete in the Humorous, Evaluation, Tall Tales, Table Topics and International speech contests. Competition begins with club contests and winners continue competing through...


Japan-America Society of Central Ohio - Japanese Speech Contest   我賭那只是藝術作品啦!!!Since 1999, high school and university students of Japanese from across the state of Ohio have been competing in this annual speech contest. ... Please reach out to our office with any questions or concerns. Our goal is to help both you and your students ...


Speech Contest - Toastmasters International -Home 上個星期六,在家沒事看電視,弟弟接了個電話就下樓了,慌慌張張的拿回了一個快遞,過了一會,我問他剛才拿回來的是什麼東西,他說買了把手電,我說不信,他還跑房裡拿出來給我漂了一眼,而且確實上面有什麼手電等字樣,所以就沒在意了,就以為是一個類似強光手電這樣的東西,因為弟弟還在上高中,有個手電可能會方便些。For presentation to the first place winner of club, area, division, district and regional contests....


CAJLE – Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education » Canadian Japanese Speech Contest網路上最近又出現一位「吐槽姐」,自稱到美國紐約留學的她,不斷對著鏡頭搔首弄姿,還­以極為作做神情和語調抱怨回大陸後看到的各種現象,不少網友看了大倒胃口。 說得很中肯阿~ 為什麼還是這麼多人 想炮她?? 我在想這應該是另一種反諷的表演形式吧?!特意要引起話題的,但她在反諷哈哈Our Official Guidelines* Please reference our full contest guidelines (or if easier, download the PDF version). *Please note that the official guidelines apply only to the National Japanese Speech Contest. For full regional contest details, please inquire...
