What is SPF? - Dermatology - Guide to Skin Conditions and Skin Care 1、俗話說:好馬不吃回頭草;可俗話又說:浪子回頭金不換! 2、俗話說:兔子不吃窩邊草;可俗話又說:近水樓台先得月! 3、俗話說:宰相肚裡能撐船;可俗話又說:有仇不報非君子! 4、俗話說:男子漢大丈夫,寧死不屈;可俗話又說:男子漢大丈夫,能屈能伸! 5、俗話說:打狗還得看主人;可俗話又說:What do the letters SPF stand for? Find out more about this common acronym - what it means and how it is measured. ... Updated December 16, 2014. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The number is determined experimentally indoors by exposing human ......