Send better email: Configure SPF and DKIM for Google Apps - TechRepublic ▲膜還在,(source:瀟瀟瀟瀟如,下同) 哈囉大家,我是咩咩蟲OwO 一般來說處女膜是女性與生俱來、純潔的象徵,有過性行為才會破裂。社會上不少男性有處女膜情節,認為沒有處女膜的女性都很「亂來」。然而並不是人人都有處女膜,而且如果你不是處男,憑什麼要求對方是處女,也就引起大眾輿論。 大陸漫畫家「Here's how to set up SPF and DKIM records for Google Apps. Configure SPF for Google Apps If you use Google Apps for email, you'll need access to your DNS provider to add an SPF record. In most cases, you simply login and create a new TXT record with the ....