Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotel Offers and Loyalty Program spg.com 有個朋友說,生命像花和蝴蝶,互相依偎,才會美麗。這麼美麗的話,有時候讓人想起愛情,但這也未必是像花和蝴蝶一樣炫爛的東西就能形容的完美。 我覺的一份好的愛,像是「氧氣」,沒有重量,沒有香氣,讓你幾乎忘了他的存在,但當你失去他的時候卻會窒息,甚至要你的命。花與蝴蝶的確美麗,蝴蝶美麗不長命,花朵香氣四溢Save for Next Visit A faster way to sign in Save time and sign in with just your password. We’ll remember your username, or SPG number, each time you come back to SPG.com. We’ll also recognize you when you visit ......