spi spec pdf

External and Unique Instrument Spec Sheets Implementation TeamAV\filename.ppt 9 Instrument Spec to PDF Instrument Spec to PDF XStandard Instrument Spec Sheet deliverables are Adobe Acrobat PDF files – Deliverables are electronic file format – The content of the PDF spec cannot be modified – Compatible with Proje...


8-bit Atmel Microcontroller with 4/8/16K - Atmel Corporation - Microcontrollers, 32-bit, and touch s 大家看的出來嗎..........................8 2545U–AVR–11/2015 ATmega48/88/168 3. Resources A comprehensive set of development tools, application notes and datasheets are available for download on http://www.atmel.com/avr. 4. Data retention Reliability Qualification results show that the projected...


MS-5561-C-GARMIN - Farnell element14 | Electronic Component Distributors    友情這東西,一旦玩真的,比愛情還刻骨銘心。MS5607-02BA03 Barometric Pressure Sensor, with stainless steel cap DA5607-02BA03_018 www.meas-spec.com Sept. 26, 2012 000056071438 ECN1741 5/19 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION VDD GND PS SCLK SDO SDI/SDA Meas. MUX ADC Digital...


T TSS225566MM~~22GGUUSSDD microSD Memory Card 是不是覺得有點眼熟阿...TTSS225566MM~~22GGUUSSDD microSD Memory Card Transcend Information Inc. 7 Reliability and Durability Temperature Operation: -25 C / 85 C (Target spec) Storage: -40 C (168h) / 85 C (500h) Junction temperature: max. 95 C Moisture and corrosion ......
