Spider-Man (2000 video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia #靠北老婆5505 親愛的老婆,大過年的, 妳一定要這樣跟我鬧脾氣嗎? OKOK是我的錯 一週沒有回家, 我也說了今天上完班就回家啦! 妳幹嘛要一直鑽牛角尖? 說租約到期妳要跟寶寶搬出去自己住! 叫我搬回老家住! 這是我們結婚後的第一個過年, 還在互相磨合Spider-Man is an action-adventure beat 'em up video game based on Marvel's Spider-Man Universe. It was developed by Neversoft and published by Activision for the PlayStation in 2000. The game was later ported to the Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64 (also known...