spike lee 維基

Spike (TV network) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia1 Precursors 1.1 The Nashville Network era (1983–2000) 1.2 The National Network, the New TNN and the WWE era (2000–03) 2 Spike TV (2003–present) 2.1 Spike Lee lawsuit 2.2 Spike programming, 2003–06 2.2.1 Fresh Baked Video Games 2.2.2 Star Trek 2.3 "Get Mo...


Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bebop Wiki 如果一對男女在一起想大便時說“我去一下洗手間”,那他倆剛開始戀愛; 說“我去上廁所”,他們熱戀了; 說“我去大便”,他們同居了; 說“我去拉屎”,他們結婚了。。。。Spike Spiegel (スパイク・スピーゲル Supaiku Supīgeru) is the main protagonist of the Cowboy Bebop... ... Creation Edit The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the ......
