HOPES美式潮流概念店 11 8正式開幕
Splashtop is the #1 Remote Desktop Solution for Mobile Devices, over 15 Million Users 全新 HOPES 美式潮流概念店,於11/8正式在西門町誠品武昌四樓開幕,除了販售 REBEL8、MISHKA、Benny Gold、10DEEP、RASTACLAT、Melin Brand 等高質感美式潮流服飾,更展出多款獨家裝置藝術,包含獨家特製的HOPES綜合品牌滑板椅,與各大品牌主理人簽名Top performing Remote Desktop Product with over 15 Million Users and highest ratings. Access Your PC / MAC from Any Mobile Devices Anywhere. Bridges PCs, Macs, iOS, Androids and more ... Whiteboard This top performing annotation feature lets you ......