Splendor in the Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 夏天到了也意味著折扣季的到來,又是喜愛流行的男女血拼廝殺的季節~在現代社會中,作為一個「小資平民」,在購買衣服時也要特別精打細算,但大家還記得前先日子英國品牌 Primark鬧出求救標籤的新聞嗎?現在居然爆發第二起事件,又有消費者站出來表示自己的衣物內也有怪異標籤! 第二個透漏給世人的Splendor in the Grass is a 1961 Technicolor romantic drama film that tells a story of sexual repression, love, and heartbreak, from which the character Deanie suffers. Written by William Inge, who appears briefly as a Protestant clergyman and won an Oscar...