ghd Advanced Split End Therapy | ghd Restore and Protect | ghd ® Official Website ▲編編已經無言惹~(source: 今日頭條) 世界上真的無奇不有,光是看金氏世界紀錄就有好多古怪的紀錄,更何況是沒上金是世界紀錄的人!在美國就有一位「奇女子」,她的專長竟然是用胸部敲碎物品?!她叫蘇珊‧賽克斯,雖然她的巨乳是隆出來的,但要隆到向她這樣有power,也算是一Introducing ghd advanced split end therapy, activated by the heat of your styler to help nourish and fortify damaged ends, leaving your hair feeling sleek, smooth and shiny for up to 10 washes. Scientifically formulated for all hair types the new advanced...