Tweaking4All.com - Play any Split screen Game, Full-Screen on any 3D TV (like Dual Play) 剛到手的時候疼人家到骨子裡去,每天給她打十幾個電話,發幾十條信息,她說什麼你都銘記在心,想吃什麼、想買什麼、想去哪裡你都會盡全力去滿足,溫柔體貼無微不至,巴不得二十四個小時都能跟她呆在一起; 一開始總是包容的,就算她的生活習慣與你不同也會努力的調試配合,一切一切都是美好的... &nbsThe problem is however that this was designed for 3D movies, where the viewer actually sees both pictures at once to generate a 3D feeling. For this one lens of the 3D glasses allows you to only see the first image (1L), and the other lens allows you to s...