SPLIT PLOT DESIGN 2 Sub Plot Treatments (A, B) 家庭是社會最小的細胞,穩定的家庭關係就可以達到家和萬事興的目標,問題是每對夫妻都是唇齒相依的,上下嘴唇終究是有打架的時候,而夫妻之間最容易產生爭吵的矛盾點和最容易引爆矛盾點的導火線,通常可以歸納為十個方面。 一、婆媳關係緊張會激發夫妻間不和。 現在的婆婆大多自以為是見多識廣的,尤其是城3 2. Increased precision over a randomized complete block design is attained on the subplot treatments and the interaction between subplot and main plot treatments. 3. The overall precision of the split plot design relative to the randomized complete bloc...