The Spriters Resource寢室一兄弟又失戀了,這次是被刺激到了!哭了半宿,然後出去買回兩瓶烈酒,精神恍惚地在電腦前自斟自飲道:“為什麼世界上有這麼多無聊的女人?難道只有武藤蘭才稱得上是女人花?嗯,也只有真正的女人才能寫出這麼好的詩句了——桃花開罷蜜桃鮮,觀音蹙眉嗔坐蓮;菊花幽窄香津溢,又拍Continuing the last update's theme, we've got a bunch more anime sprites for you folks. I hope you like them. The new Avengers movie must have prompted a few Ultron rips as well! And as usual, nothing brings a smile to my face like new snes rips. Great jo...