台灣人「十大口頭禪」 你經常說哪一個?
chr(13) chr(10) carriage return line feed CR LF | Andrew Fraser DBA你是否注意過,身邊的朋友說話時,有多少人帶着口頭禪?也許有些人說10句話,包括8個「無影啦」;有些人好像從來沒有過順心如意的時候,老是把「安啦」掛在口頭;如果兩人關係緊密,有了相互的對話之後,在期間或者結束對話的時候,都會說一句「愛你噢」,當沒有甚麼大問題,就可以說「無影啦」,意思是沒甚麼,或者是沒Just a question. Shouldn’t it be an SQL joke, not a SQL joke, as in sedinng out an SOS (famous Police song) not a SOS? Sorry to be pedantic but I revise the English of many Spanish University professors and I always tell them an SQL and was interested to ...