sql server - SQL Group By Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour SQL vs Procedural Performance - Stack Overflo本文由萌孩控授權轉載:每日傳授育兒經驗、教養智慧、營養美食!做一名合格的辣媽酷爸、從關注萌孩控開始!微信號:menghaikong 文丨公子逸 出品丨公子逸曰(gongziyi2014) 0 1 我媽給我講過一個發生在我們村的真實的故事。 &nbI need to write a query that will group a large number of records by periods of time from Year to Hour. My initial approach has been to decide the periods procedurally in C#, iterate through each and run the SQL to get the data for that period, building u...