sql modify record

how to insert record in sql server database by using linq? | The ASP.NET Forums   意大利性科學家皮伊羅-羅倫佐尼說:“一個女人的乳房和她的星座一樣,可以表明她的性趣。”針對不同的胸型,我們也需用不同的科學保養方法,今日教你練就最完美的胸。數據說說最完美的胸 美學的觀點認為半球型、圓錐型的乳房是屬於外形較理想的乳房。兩乳頭間距離在22~26厘how to insert record in sql server database by using linq? still i m using MVC 3.0 please send me full detail example for insert record using Linq ... Suppose you have allready a mapped table named tblamount in .dbml file, so use the below code to insert ...


How To Access and Modify SQL Server BLOB Data by Using the ADO Stream Object打死我都不撿.... The Stream object introduced in ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.5 can be used to greatly simplify the code that needs to be written to access and modify Binary Large Object (BLOB) data in a SQL Server Database. The previous versions of ADO [ 2.0, 2.1, and......
