SQL SERVER – Introduction to Rollup Clause – Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave (示意圖,非劉德華女兒,其女至今未曾曝光) 據香港媒體報導,劉德華透露20號到澳門出席回歸演出後,便會一直放假到一月再拍戲,聖誕節會留港度過,並已準備好禮物開派對,問到女兒會否送他聖誕卡時,他笑謂: 「她不懂寫字」記者:「畫兩下?」劉:「都不懂。」記者:「禮物?」劉:「經常買,可能會In this article we will go over basic understanding of Rollup clause in SQL Server. ROLLUP clause is used to do aggregate operation on multiple levels in hierarchy. Let us understand how it works by using an example. Consider a table with the following st...