SQL SERVER – The Self Join – Inner Join and Outer Join | Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave在好萊塢,美麗又性感的女星有如過江之鯽般源源不絕,趕都趕不完。有這麼多競爭者就算了,如果...競爭者是你的親姐妹,你怎麼辦呢?現在我們就來看看好萊塢中有哪幾對得跟自己姐妹競爭的明星吧! 最近美國名媛金卡黛珊的妹妹 Kendall Jenner 最近剛剛到達成年年齡,擁有卡黛珊家族「裸體基因Self Join has always been an note-worthy case. It is interesting to ask questions on self join in a room full of developers. I often ask - if there are three kind of joins, i.e.- Inner Join, Outer Join and Cross Join; what type of join is Self Join? The u...