sql2000 mail profile

Error 22022 sql agent mail, windows 2003, sql2000, outlook profile 真的是奇文共賞!!!!! 當你外遇的時候還隱瞞自己已婚,你站在對方的立場為別人想嗎? 你沒有!!因為你只想到你自己!!!還想要老婆小三體諒你,真的是頭殼壞掉 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Not sure exactly what the question is here. But you need to login as the service account (for SQL Server ......


MS SQL Server :: SQL 2000 Mail Problem    翻攝DCARD   對不起親愛的男朋友,你去當兵後,我變了很多,我沒辦法當你女友了每天吃不飽睡不好我們之間的第三者出現了一個他..我不知道怎麼開口但還是要誠實的告訴你我沒辦法當你女友了 親愛的,人家懷孕了 翻攝dcard,下同哈哈哈哈那天在電話裡整你裝哭你快崩潰SQL Mail And Outlook 2000 Help!!! I have set-up many profiles and working SQL Mail agents by utilizing ......


MS SQL Server :: SQL Mail Profile - BigResource: Webmaster Scripts & Tutorials Directory 像這種只在乎自己的男朋友根本不懂得愛人、照顧人,這樣怎麼攜手到老? 網友表示:如果還沒分手,我敢肯定你腦子也撞壞了!   ----------------------------------------------靠北男友原文:https://www.facebook.com/complSecond Instance Of SQL Server Can't Configure The SQL Mail Profile. We installed a 2nd instance of SQL ......


SQL Mail Profile   大嫂有風度多了!! ******************************************************* 靠北婆家原文: 我有聽說小嬸上來靠北我,哈哈,有點好笑,但我想跟小嬸解釋一下,我並不是不幫妳曬被單,那時候我懷孕,我不太想手舉高,因為拉到肚子會痛,但我We are running SQL 2000 (no sp) on Windows 2000, and have Outlook 2003 installed. For no aparent reason, ......


Answer : SQL Mail configuration - GNT : your source for software, hardware, mobility, enterprise, an  哈哈啊 好壞的閃光~~~不過我愛   ---------------------------- Dcard原文 今天跟閃光出門我騎著車子載她邊討論要吃什麼晚餐越騎越覺得不對怎覺得我的背有東西在頂我閃光是女的不可能xx還是她.......?於是停紅燈時我就問閃光怎一直有東西頂著Got the answer, had to create the mail profile using the domain admin account not the local admin ......
