deciding between sram apex and shimano 105/tiagra 圖片轉自dcard下同 各位網友想過最特別又最驚喜的告白方式是什麼? 我記得以前小時候常常看到朋友用酒精膏跟排蠟燭的方式 但是這位網友更強 他用23首情歌來告白! 但是不是用唱的!雖然女主角也是全部聽完才發現 這樣的告白方式也真的蠻有創意的,誠意十足 讓女主角立刻感動的點頭答應了! 以下為原文 網I just bought a 2012 Specialized Secteur with Apex.I had considered other bikes, notably the Felt Z85 with Shimano 105, but there's lots of hills where I live, and I liked the 11-32 cassette on the Apex for hill climbing. If you're riding the flats, the 1...