File Extension .SRT (DVD Subtitles File) - Free programs to Open and Edit .SRT files! 偷爸爸手機的人真的很惡劣 但你罵人的能力真的讓我甘拜下風 原po罵人感覺好可愛啊 ---------------------------- 就是剛剛 我爸好不容易下班結果回家居然跟我說手機被偷了難怪一整天打電話都不通.....真的快被氣死心情DDDDDDown到谷底後來Notes: To use an SRT file in VLC Media Player, do the following: 1) Open VLC Media Player 3) Go to File-- Open File-- Select the movie file that the subtitles go with with the Browse button 3) Check Subtitles options 4) Click on the Settings button, brows...