VLC Player 播放影片 srt 字幕亂碼 – Mac | 楊銘康的生活隨記《好險》 老王提前下班回家,發現老婆和單位書記偷情,嚇得老王趕緊跑回單位。歎道:好險,差點被領導發現早退! 《好險》姐妹篇《原諒》: 老王知妻與領導不軌,怒找領導妻,領導妻氣極:咱們上床報復他倆。事畢領導妻:我還氣,再報復一次!一連三次,老王跪倒趴下告饒:「求求你了,我已經原諒他VLC Player 播放影片 srt 字幕亂碼 – Mac Posted in 資訊科技 by allenyeung on 六月 2, 2009 1. Both avi and srt files should use the same filename and should be in the same folder. Open the avi file using VLC player. 2. Sometimes, the subtitle is not displayed ......