ssd raid 0 trim z77

AnandTech | Intel Brings TRIM to RAID-0 SSD Arrays on 7-Series Motherboards, We Test It學期結束兒子把成績單交給父親,父親看了勃然大怒, 往兒子臉上就是一耳光,罵道:你在學校裡為什麼一天到晚打架?! 兒子委屈地說:我沒有ㄚ ! ! 父親聽了,又是一巴掌說: 你還嘴硬,成績單上導師的評語明明寫著“ 經常和同學打成一片”&nbIn an unusually terse statement, Intel officially confirmed that the ATA TRIM command now passes through to RAID-0 SSD arrays on some systems running Intel's RST (Rapid Storage Technology ) RAID driver version 11.0 and newer. The feature is limited to Int...


RAID 0, SSDs, and TRIM. Will it work? [Solved] - SSD - Storage小明是轉學生有一次剛好考完月考爸爸就看了一下成績單對小明說兒子希望不要每次看到你的名次就知道你們班有幾個人好嗎?quick google search would have yielded : in conclusion, trim will work with H67, Z77, Z87, H87 ,z68 just download the lastest intel RST driver from


TRIM Command Confirmed With RAID 0 on Intel 7 Series1、在利益面前,沒有親情和道義可講,任何人都可能成為對你背後下手的賊2、幫你除草、殺蟲,對你示好的人,來你家的真實目的可能並不是這個,而是看你有沒有可偷的東西3、越有錢的人賺錢的速度最快,溫飽線上的人都在量入為出中掙紮4、很多事情都有捷徑可走,有“背景”的人肯定升級快5、勤能Intel makes the TRIM command available within a RAID 0 setup with Intel RST Driver versions 11.0 and newer In Nov. 2011, we discussed that TRIM support for RAID 0 was planned with the introduction of Intel's RST 11.5 drivers. Based on information listed i...


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