SDHC Cards vs Hard Drive vs SSD - NotebookReview.com - Notebook Reviews - Laptop Reviews and Net阿倫對小美說:「畢業典禮那天,送妳花好嗎?」小美:「不行啦,我會過敏。」阿倫:「妳有花粉症嗎?」小美:「廢話!難道花粉會比我正嗎?」阿倫:「......」有錢人向來乞討的三名乞丐說︰你們哪個最懶,我給一千元。甲︰我已經有三年沒做事,每天只是晃蕩,一千元給我吧!乙︰三年有什麼稀奇!我從沒有工作過,錢應(view large image) Our editorial staff first stumbled onto the idea of using an SDHC card as a "permanent" second drive during our review of the Asus Eee PC. That subnotebook only includes a 4GB SSD (or rather built-in flash drive) and it just isn’t enoug...