ssd test anandtech

Samsung SSD 840: Testing the Endurance of TLC NAND  1 、2NAND endurance is something that always raises questions among those considering a move to solid state storage. Even though we have showed more than once that the endurance of today's MLC NAND based SSDs is more than enough for even enterprise workloads, ...


Intel Brings TRIM to RAID-0 SSD Arrays on 7-Series Motherboards, We Test It也算是官商勾結In an unusually terse statement, Intel officially confirmed that the ATA TRIM command now passes through to RAID-0 SSD arrays on some systems running Intel's RST (Rapid Storage Technology ) RAID driver version 11.0 and newer. The feature is limited to Int...


The page file controversy on an SSD!? - AnandTech Forums『超有創意』的『幽默』圖片              The page file controversy on an SSD!? Operating Systems ... I just put my pagefile on the SSD. I have 3 machines set up that way. Even if it reduces the life of the SSD, we're talking about going from 30 years to 10 years at worst....


Best utility to benchmark ssd ???? - AnandTech Forums難道中國人比外國人走得快I usually tell people that there is no perfect benchmark software simply because they all mimic a particular file type and data flow. If I had to break it down though.. ATTO is better for testing drives used for storage duty of sequentially read/written f...
