2020日內瓦車展—神仙的尾巴McLaren 765LT
Stache - A smarter way to bookmark web pages for Mac, iPhone and iPad●Super Series最新成員 ●傳輸效率比720S高15% ●765hp/81.6kgm最大動力 ●全車減重達80kg ●0~100km/h加速2.8秒 ●0~200km/h加速7.2秒 對於英倫超跑廠商McLaren而言,速度與激情是唯一的追求,所以即便在肺炎疫情肆虐的現在,也要給我們車Stache makes it quick and easy to collect and re-discover pages you find useful, interesting or inspiring, in a beautiful, visual and fully searchable library. ... A smarter way to bookmark web pages Stache makes it quick and easy to collect and re-discov...