stan lee in guardians of the galaxy

How Guardians of the Galaxy almost killed Stan Lee | Polygon在時尚界舉足輕重的設計師Giorgio Armani一直以來非常有影響力,而高齡80歲的他對於現今許多議題也保有自己看法,像是他前陣子接受《The Sunday Times》採訪時,不僅一語驚人表示:「我不喜歡肌肉男孩」外,還表示:「即使是同性戀,但男人就該有男人的樣子。」 Giorgio Arma23 Dec 2014 ... Iconic comic creator Stan Lee would have been toast if Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn had his way, according to a recent ......


'Guardians of the Galaxy' Almost Killed Off Stan Lee - ScreenCrush by Alisa Say Whaaaaaaat!?   是老天爺的錯,讓時間過這麼快,絕對不是我們老了(掩面哭泣)那些朗朗上口的口水歌、經典情歌,一瞬間到了2015年,通通變老歌!快點往下滑,讓妞編輯用沉痛的心情告訴你,10首到了今年就正式滿10歲的老歌: Photo Sour22 Dec 2014 ... Director James Gunn reveals his original plan to kill off Stan Lee during his cameo in 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'...


This was supposed to be Stan Lee's 'Guardians of the Galaxy' cameo 你想太多了... VIA4 Sep 2014 ... If you've seen Guardians of the Galaxy, you'll notice Stan Lee pop up as a something of a Hugh Hefner-like character. But director James Gunn ......


Stan Lee's Guardians Cameo Was Nearly Fatal -- Vulture 所以...到陌生的地方還是要小心啊... VIA  24 Dec 2014 ... Stan Lee's Original Guardians of the Galaxy Cameo Would've Been Fatal ... Guardians of the Galaxy's James Gunn visited "The Q&A" with Jeff ......
