Stan Lee draws Spider-Man for a child with autism - CNN.com Images Source: blogspot 、 imgur 快點發功啊! 在電影或影集裡面出現的各種超能力或是特異功能,相信大家一定都看得相當過癮之外,也會幻想,如果自己也能有這項超能力就好了,套句賭聖經典台詞:「這是一張Ace,只要我輕輕一撸!馬上就變成張皺了的Ace,那是我還(CNN)It was a story that moved Stan Lee, the creator of many of the best-known superheroes in history, into action: a Spider-Man-loving boy with autism named Jamel Hunter. According to the New York Times, a December Times article about the child, who repo...