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AAVSO | American Association of Variable Star Observers 文章取自微信公眾號:卡娃微卡(kawa01)       夫妻之間不怕吵架,就怕不說話。婚姻那麼長,平時難免會有磕磕絆絆,吵起架來也是常有的事。事情的起因不大不小,大都是一時不順心,就變成了吵架的導火索。 既然吵架不可避免,但日子還是要繼續過,所以吵架就要講Professional and Amateur collection, research, and analysis of variable star observations....


America Star Books | Giving authors a voice in AMERICA the old-fashioned way 文章取自微信公眾號:甜蜜爸媽手記(ID:wxtm01)     夫妻之間吵架其實是最正常不過的事兒,再相似的兩個人也會有性格上的差異,戀愛時或許還能隱藏,可一旦結了婚,朝夕相處,大小衝突無法避免。其實,夫妻間一定要吵吵架,很多平時悶在心裡的負面情緒,吵吵架就都發洩出來了。 &nAmerica Star Books does what other American publishers don't do. We translate foreign books and publish them in English, in America. Many authors dream of seeing their book translated into English , and published in the land of Hollywood and Opportunity. ...


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The Star-Spangled Banner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲女生倒在血泊中,想考驗男友對她的愛。(source:youtube,下同)   相信不少人都會想知道自己如果死了,另一半的反應會如何? 但是你會真的死給另一半看嗎,相信大部分的人都不想這麼做,但是這個女子卻真的辦到了,只是她使用的方式是「假死」罷了! 這個女生名叫黛拉,她想測試「男友對"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States of America. The lyrics come from "Defence of Fort M'Henry",[1] a poem written in 1814 by the 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of F...


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