Photographing Star Trails - Dan Heller's Stock Photography and Business Resources 現實生活中有些女性,她們漂亮、能幹,在處理人際關係、工作任務上綽綽有餘,毫不誇張地可以說是女強人了,但是在情感世界裡卻進展不大,停滯不前。通常我們把這種女性叫做職場上的“禦嬌龍”,情場上的“荔枝女”。 生活中大家都知道荔枝這種水果吧,盛產於中國的閩南A time-lapse movie can capture the sky moving as a series of photos, but capturing this movement in a single picture is called a "star trails" photo. There are two ways to do it—one is by taking a single "long exposure" photo, and the other is to take a s...