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Star Trek: Titan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAudi先前表示將在2020年推出三款純電車型,其中一款是預計將於2018年問世的SUV純電動車款E-Tron,近日AUDI表示,今年會推出以BMW i3為假想敵的純電小型車,待E-Tron於2018年正式上市,量產版本將於最近上市。根據海外的汽車網路媒體則指出,這款以i3為競爭對手的新車,很有可能Star Trek: Titan is a series of Star Trek novels that take place after the events of the 2002 film Star Trek Nemesis, detailing the adventures of the U.S.S. Titan under the command of Starfleet Captain William T. Riker, who previously served for fifteen y...
