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List of Star Trek novels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 年輕人,哪個D槽裡面沒有怪怪的東西呢...XD 在ptt上一位網友qwe987就分享了超西斯的經歷!拜託...還能不能好好看片了!! 原Po:小弟我住在學校附近的套房,是一整層都被隔成一間一間的那種我的房間在一條被隔成十間小套房的長廊盡頭有天下午提早回家,走到走廊口的時候,就聽見很大聲的女生咿咿喔The science fiction franchise Star Trek has been adapted into published novels, novelizations, and short story collections since 1968. Three main companies have published Star Trek fiction: Bantam Books (from 1967 to 1981), Ballantine Books (from 1974 to ...


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Star Trek: Titan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 想跟風看看到底身邊朋友都在看的漫畫到底有那裡吸引人的嗎?不妨參考連外國網友都風靡的漫畫清單,從美國知名網站 Buzzfeed 整理出的「初心者入門日本漫畫」清單裡下手吧! 火影忍者 岸本齊史 BLEACH 死神 久保帶人 海賊王 尾田榮一郎 死亡筆記本 大場鶇、小畑健 獵人 冨樫義博 魔Star Trek: Titan is a series of Star Trek novels that take place after the events of the 2002 film Star Trek Nemesis, detailing the adventures of the U.S.S. Titan under the command of Starfleet Captain William T. Riker, who previously served for fifteen y...
