Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV series) - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki (圖文皆轉自今日頭條,下同) 1997年,我的記憶裡有兩件大事。 一是半懂不懂地跟著新聞裡香港回歸歡呼; 第二,是一部國產兒童片裡魔性的咒語: “瘋狂的兔子!瘋狂的兔子!瘋狂的兔子!” 這是一部以電腦游戲為素材創作的電影,裡面痴狂的小孩,詭異的笑聲,神志不清就像被鬼上身。 Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated television series set between the events of Star Wars... ... The exclusive Celebration IV poster for the series Episodes of The Clone Wars first began airing in syndication in fall 2012, in conjunction with the ser...