start up weekend

Startup Weekend - Official Site為慶祝新店the Pool aoyama  開業,藤原浩旗下多個品牌都相繼推出了相關紀念單品,而近日Fragment Design也聯手NIKE帶來一款限量版沙灘拖鞋Benassi Slide SP,同時也是契合了the Pool aoyama本身的泳池主題。拖鞋鞋面以黑色紡織面料為主,低Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups. Learn More...


Startup Weekend Austin為了迎接即將到來的世界杯,Y-3 發布了主題為In Football We Trust 的春夏新品系列。該系列包括了運動外套、T-Shirt、polo 衫、足球、圍巾等單品,配色上則以Y-3 慣用的黑白色調為主,加上絲綢與真皮奢華用料組合,盡顯其高端定位。 該系列將會通過Y-3邁阿密旗艦店、紐約BaStartup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups....


About | Startup Weekend趁著2014美國職業棒球聯盟(MLB)火熱開賽,以手工製作老式棒球衫、法蘭絨棒球帽的西雅圖服飾品牌Ebbets Field Flannels最近帶來位於西雅圖Pioneer Square的全新旗艦店。這間美式複古裝潢的旗艦店內擺滿了玲瑯滿目的貨品,小型工作坊可以為客人提供印製服務。更衣室長凳、儲物櫃Actually launch a business: Over 36% of Startup Weekend startups are still going strong after 3 months. Roughly 80% of participants plan on continuing working with their team or startup after the weekend. Get face time with thought leaders: Local tech and...


Chicago Startup Weekend 早前才找來美腿女孩-陳艾琳來教你改褲,他選擇在口袋處磨出iPhone框框,俏皮少女玩味!而這次則是找來熱血大叔部落客-史丹利來示範,這件LEE 101+原色直筒版型,透過「史丹利」運用磨石&砂紙創造線條,並加強褲管刷色紋路,讓褲子成為你的專屬! 【史丹利 a.k.a 熱血大叔】 六年級的CHICAGO! Are you ready to be part of the inaugural Startup Weekend Women’s Edition? We’re assembling 100 of the most talented women and men for an exclusive edition of Startup Weekend on June 20 – 22, 2014! The entrepreneurial talent we see from the ......


London Startup Weekend 1992年美國服裝品牌Perry Ellis的伸展台上,當昔日品牌創意總監Marc Jacobs帶著他的「Grunge」系列登場瞬間,串起了時尚對於品牌定位與街頭思潮兩端的鍵結。而在隔年(1993年)創立同名品牌的設計師,繼續藉著他的設計重塑大眾對流行的認知,有著這樣「不媚世」的品牌精神,如果把延Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups....


Columbus Startup Weekend 由JUKSY與法國靴款品牌Palladium發起的『PUDDLE SMASHER水花粉碎者PK戰』,邀請包含Elmo、馬太、Sheena...等十位職人選手參加,每位職人穿上最新的Palladium "Puddle Lite" 防水靴款,渾身解數使出自己的招牌踩水花姿勢,現在就來看看我們的選手介紹Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups....
