static_cast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia孩子:爸爸,我是怎樣來的?爸爸:好吧!我們遲早也要討論這問題的。聽好… 爸媽在網上的聊天室相遇。我約你媽出來見面,最後到一間網咖的洗澡間去。然後,媽從爸的記憶棒開始下載。正當爸準備好要上傳時,我們才發覺沒設防火牆。既然要取消也太遲了,所以我就繼續上傳。九個月後,那可惡的病毒出現了。孩子The type parameter must be a data type for which there is a known method for converting object to, whether this be a builtin or through a casting function. It can be a reference or an enumerator. All types of conversions that are well-defined and allowed ...