TOYOTA C-HR 單月銷量爆衝八倍
Amy Grant - Stay for Awhile Lyrics - - your music community with the largest searchable l Toyota於去年推出首款小型跨界休旅C-HR,這台車在去年12月在日本發表上市,而在銷售滿月後,這台車的單月銷售成績居然來到驚人的四萬八千張訂單,比原來的六千張訂單成長了八倍之多,銷售數字相當亮眼。而這些C-HR的訂單Hybrid車型就有3萬7000輛、1.2升渦輪車型則有1萬1千輛,1月份C-Amy Grant Stay for Awhile lyrics: Long time since I've seen your smile But when I close my eyes I remember You were no more than a child But then so was I Young and tender Time carries on I guess it always will But deep insi...