Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. | MR JAMIE ─ 創業者需要的啟發,每日新鮮供應設計這個的真是太有才了!!! 2005 年,Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 畢業典禮上演講,最後送給了在場的年輕人一句「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.」這個演講後來被廣為流傳,各種中譯版也紛紛出現,有些人把這句話翻譯為「求知若飢,虛心若愚」,《Cheers 雜誌》則把這句話翻譯為「飢渴求知 ......
全文閱讀Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. | MR JAMIE ─ 創業者需要的啟發,每日新鮮供應設計這個的真是太有才了!!! 2005 年,Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 畢業典禮上演講,最後送給了在場的年輕人一句「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.」這個演講後來被廣為流傳,各種中譯版也紛紛出現,有些人把這句話翻譯為「求知若飢,虛心若愚」,《Cheers 雜誌》則把這句話翻譯為「飢渴求知 ......
全文閱讀Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish (求知若飢 ,虛心若愚 )(下附中文翻譯) @ Ihere/我在這裡,依然微笑 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌新聞報的到底是現實還是幻覺呢? Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it....
全文閱讀「Stay hungry. Stay foolish.」最好的漢語翻譯是什麼? - 文化 - 知乎轉載一段解釋,是對這個問題的專門解讀,個人認為分析獨到且合理。 原文為繁體,作者Jamie,地址: http:// mrjamie.cc/2011/09/16/s tay-hungry-stay-foolish/ 2005 年,Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 畢業典禮上演講,最後送給了在場的年輕人一句「Stay ......
全文閱讀Stay Hungry Stay Foolish: Rashmi Bansal: 9789381626719: Amazon.com: BooksRashmi Bansal is a writer, entrepreneur and a youth expert. She is the author of four bestselling books on entrepreneurship - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Connect the Dots, I Have a Dream, and Poor Little Rich Slum. Her books have sold over half a million co...
全文閱讀Whole Earth Catalog Stay Hungry Stay Foolish又是個悲劇~~ Whole Earth Catalog and its family of publications provide an innovative, groundbreaking pattern of thought that provides access to tools, information and ideas that help individuals make decisions for themselves. ... Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. In 1968 St...
全文閱讀stay hungry, stay foolish | WordReference Forums這也太沒品了吧!!!! Hello Everybody: I´m writing because I need to know What is the meaning of the phrase "STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH" Thank You for your help ... GWB is right to ask for context, but I think it was the last words of the last issue of the Whole Earth Catalogue...
全文閱讀2005 年,Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 畢業典禮上演講,最後送給了在場的年輕人一句「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.」這個演講後來被廣為流傳,各種中譯版也紛紛出現,有些人把這句話翻譯為「求知若飢,虛心若愚」,《Cheers 雜誌》則把這句話翻譯為「飢渴求知 ......
全文閱讀Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it....
全文閱讀轉載一段解釋,是對這個問題的專門解讀,個人認為分析獨到且合理。 原文為繁體,作者Jamie,地址: http:// mrjamie.cc/2011/09/16/s tay-hungry-stay-foolish/ 2005 年,Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 畢業典禮上演講,最後送給了在場的年輕人一句「Stay ......
全文閱讀Rashmi Bansal is a writer, entrepreneur and a youth expert. She is the author of four bestselling books on entrepreneurship - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Connect the Dots, I Have a Dream, and Poor Little Rich Slum. Her books have sold over half a million co...
全文閱讀Whole Earth Catalog and its family of publications provide an innovative, groundbreaking pattern of thought that provides access to tools, information and ideas that help individuals make decisions for themselves. ... Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. In 1968 St...
全文閱讀Hello Everybody: I´m writing because I need to know What is the meaning of the phrase "STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH" Thank You for your help ... GWB is right to ask for context, but I think it was the last words of the last issue of the Whole Earth Catalogue...
全文閱讀Steve Jobs speech in Stanford where he signed off with the message "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"...
全文閱讀Steve Jobs, the late Apple co-founder being called the Thomas Edison of his time, revealed in a commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 why he dropped out of college — and why he thought it was one of the best things he ever did. Yet he had oth...
全文閱讀Stay Hungry Stay Foolish has 6,385 ratings and 210 reviews. Abhishek said: To be honest, getting a root canal treatment from dentist is less painful than... ... A Must-Read for all the dreamers and young entrepreneurs in India. Those small 25 stories insp...
全文閱讀It was Steve Jobs's ending comment in the Stanford Commencement in 2005, and Jobs mentioned: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. What does this phrase mean? I understand this ......
全文閱讀【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
Part.4 動態表現篇 輕快舒適不可少 為了應付紅綠燈不斷的市區道路,輕快順暢的起步反應對於一部稱職的小型都會車絕對是首要條件,而舒適的行路表現則可讓通勤代步與假日出遊的愉悅心情更上層樓。 Honda Fit 駕乘質感全面升級 全新四代Fit在許多方面都有令人耳目一新的演出,動力方面自
為什麼男人剛開始跟一個女人在一起的時候是一個樣子,但不久後就完全變一個人似的,然後再不久就分手了? 有些女人可以挑起男人初步的興趣,但無法讓男人留在她們身邊,這跟她們本身的個性或毛病有關,因為大部分的男人都會被各式各樣的女人吸引,但約會一陣子後都還是會評估這女人有沒有長期再一起的可能性,要是沒有的
情場如戰場,如果妳心中升起「他是真心,還是玩玩而已?」這樣的疑問,很明顯他已經佔了上風。至少目前如此,因為妳會有這樣的疑問,代表妳在乎他,有好感,希望更進一步,而他似乎沒有這樣的困擾,才會讓妳持續猜測。 要確定男人是否只是玩玩,最好的方法,而且可能是唯一可靠的方法,就是跟他玩一次看看。看什麼?看他壓
▲海灘巨乳比基尼辣妹,一秒被險惡的網友「P到爆」!(source:twitter,以下同) 哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要向大家介紹的是在twitter上超紅的p圖狂人James Fridman,我們可以從他的twitter上看到網友堆給他各種稀奇古怪的圖片,請他伸出援手幫忙修
嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(つ >ω●)つ 大家覺得自己最好看的時期是什麼時候呢? 雖然很多人認為高中女孩是最正、最清純的時候,但這些網路美女的照片往往可不是最真實的一面XD 根據卡提諾小編-追星少女的分享,日前就有一名美女高中生在網路上哭說自己運動時候的樣子很醜,被網友噓說:妳這樣講根本
▲女生都害羞到不敢看了!(source:pinterest,下同) 哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要向大家介紹的是女生都害羞到不敢看了!盤點9張會讓女生「控制不了超想看」的鹹濕插畫喔!雖然女生從小到大總是被告誡「女生應該要有女生的樣子」,所以行為舉止都被無限放大,不可以高聲談論性
(本文圖片截自網路 這邊跟這邊) 終於來到有人問「A槽」是啥東東的年代了...其實類似的問題歷年來都有人問, 這話題久久會被拿出來熱烈討論一番~ 後來在十多年前市面上出現 3.5 吋 1.44 M 的軟碟,由於體積小且容量大,便逐漸在市面上普及。 為了方便資料流通(拷貝),大部分的電腦都
下一秒就............ 悲劇了!只能說妹妹啊,就跟你說捷運上不是讓你練體操的地方了....
東西方的完美結合,天使臉魔鬼身材的中俄混血正妹朱韻淇 這位混血正妹朱韻淇還參加了《變形金剛4》中國演員招募的海選 ▼朱韻淇的參賽作品 姓名:朱韻淇身高:161-165體重:40kg-45kg胸圍:85cm-90cm腰圍:≤50cm臀圍:95cm-100