stay hungry stay foolish

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” - Actividades Lúdicas Educativas    大衛找到了一份新工作,這公司每個人都要填份表格。 大衛拿著填好的表格來到經理面前。 經理看後說:你這份表格填得不錯。 就是有一點,你在填與太太的關系一欄,應該填‘妻子’,而不該填‘緊張’。   但我與她的關系是緊張El título “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” (“Quedarse con hambre, quedarse necio”) hace referencia a una frase de un personaje famoso en la que se inspiró el diseñador coreano Tang Yau Hoong aprovechando todo el espacio negativo dentro del diseño para no sólo ...


Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. | MR JAMIE ─ 創業者需要的啟發,每日新鮮供應    教授:遺傳與環境有何不同,傑克? 傑克:如果孩子生下來像父親,那就是遺傳。 教授:很好,請繼續說。 傑克:如果孩子生下來像鄰居,那就是環境。     2005 年,Steve Jobs 在 Stanford 畢業典禮上演講,最後送給了在場的年輕人一句「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.」這個演講後來被廣為流傳,各種中譯版也紛紛出現,有些人把這句話翻譯為「求知若飢,虛心若愚」,《Cheers 雜誌》則把這句話翻譯為「飢渴求知 ......


Steve Jobs told students: ‘Stay hungry. Stay foolish.’ - The Washington Post      兩個好勝心強的女人在一座有噴水池的公園裡碰上了。   一個說:哎喲,聽說你和羅伯特訂婚了?羅伯特從前也向我求過婚呢。他沒對你說嗎?   沒有啊。他只說過另一件事。他說他有一次遇到一個不知打哪兒來的混帳女人,追了他老半天他也沒搭理。 &nbSteve Jobs, the late Apple co-founder being called the Thomas Edison of his time, revealed in a commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 why he dropped out of college — and why he thought it was one of the best things he ever did. Yet he had oth...


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish - YouTube      房客:樓上那些人真是莫名其妙,昨晚半夜兩點鍾時,乒乒乓乓地沖下樓梯,瘋狂似地敲我的房門。 房東:真的嗎?他們把你吵醒了嗎? 房客:幸好沒有。當時我正在練習吹喇叭。       Steve Jobs speech in Stanford where he signed off with the message "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"...


Whole Earth Catalog Stay Hungry Stay Foolish    您瞧,昨天公共汽車司機盯著我看,仿佛我沒買票。 那您怎麼辦? 很簡單,我也盯著他看,就象我買了票似的。     Whole Earth Catalog and its family of publications provide an innovative, groundbreaking pattern of thought that provides access to tools, information and ideas that help individuals make decisions for themselves. ... Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. In 1968 St...


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish: Rashmi Bansal: 9789381626719: Books  一位女孩跟一位男孩私奔了…… 搭著出租車到了車站…… 要付錢時…… 司機回頭跟他們說:不用了!那位女孩的父親已經把車錢付清了……   Rashmi Bansal is a writer, entrepreneur and a youth expert. She is the author of four bestselling books on entrepreneurship - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Connect the Dots, I Have a Dream, and Poor Little Rich Slum. Her books have sold over half a million co...
