夏天太熱了 倫敦上班族男性乾脆穿熱褲上班?!
Steve Jobs Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com 夏天動不動就突破溫度新高,正當不想上班想放熱浪假時,英國倫敦街頭的上班族男性,竟然開始流行穿超短熱褲,褲子短到連屁股蛋都看的到,路人紛紛露出驚訝的表情,實在還滿噁心的,但其實這是電視台新的行銷方式,新節目 Short Shorts 就是要更短,成功以熱褲男們打響知名度,達到宣傳的效果阿。Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computers with Steve Wozniak and led the company to pioneer a series of revolutionary technologies, including the iPhone and iPad. Learn more at Biography.com. ... Synopsis Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, on ....