Does Steve Jobs know how to code? | woz.org▲Nissan九州工廠部分生產線因為中國供應鏈斷鏈也受到影響。 儘管習近平早於元月7日就已經對中共內部告知新冠肺炎(新型冠狀病毒肺炎COVID-19)可能造成的影響,而且下令各界準備因應,但農曆年後旋即宣布封城,而且更創下人類史上規模最大的封城紀錄,在各界都未知疫情還有多久才會結束的情況下,不僅Steve didn't ever code. He wasn't an engineer and he didn't do any original design, but he was technical enough to alter and change and add to other designs. I did all of the Apple I and Apple ][ myself, including the feature choices. I did all of the BAS...