steve jobs簡報

好文: 簡報技巧 - 跟Steve Jobs學簡報 - Tsung's Blog  一對夫妻到美術館。近視很深的太太走到一幅畫前,對先生說:「這是我看過最醜的一幅畫!」先生:「那不是畫,那是鏡子。」蔡學鏞 寫的 Steve Jobs 簡報技巧整理, 太困難的學不會, 摘錄一些文章內文重點, 簡單的先學學 :P Steve Jobs 簡報技巧整理跟Steve Jobs學簡報(1)看蘋果大會如何開場跟Steve Jobs學簡報(2)如何演出唱作俱佳的簡報跟Steve Jobs學簡報(3)......


The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience: Carmine G  有一個死刑犯正要執行死刑。法警:「你死前還有什麼願望?」死刑犯:「穿上防彈衣。」   Carmine Gallo is the communications coach for the world’s most admired global brands. A former anchor and correspondent for CNN and CBS, Gallo has addressed executives at Intel, Cisco, Google, Medtronic, Pfizer, and many others. Gallo writes My Communicat...


Deliver a Presentation like Steve Jobs - Businessweek    母親節到了,小明看見媽媽在廚房洗碗。小明:「媽,今天是母親節,你不要洗碗,去休息吧!」媽媽感動地拿起旁邊的手帕,準備要擦眼淚時…小明:「留著明天再洗吧!」Our communications coach breaks down the ace presenter's latest Macworld keynote. The result? A 10-part framework you can use to wow your own audience When Apple (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs kicked off this year's Macworld Conference & Expo, he once again raised...


The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs - Carmine Gallo  榴槤打頭、石頭打頭,哪一個比較痛?  答案:頭比較痛。This presentation reflects the content of Carmine Gallo's bestselling communications book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be Insanely Great in … ... just got done with "the apple experience" and it's great!, i must say that "the presantati...


Steve Jobs - 2007 iPhone Presentation - YouTube  自習課,校長跑進來說:「請班長選三個人出來,我要班花。」班長很認真的請全班票選,選出了三個最漂亮的美眉……三個美眉很害羞的到校長室。「請問我們要做些什麼呢?」校長﹕「跟我去校長室搬花!」Steve Jobs - 2007 iPhone Presentation [HD] My channel:


Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs - Presentation Magazine - 50,430 free PowerPoint templates  博士去南極訪問企鵝的生活作息。問第一隻企鵝,牠說:「吃飯、睡覺、打東東。」問第二隻企鵝,牠說:「吃飯、睡覺、打東東。」問第三隻企鵝,牠說:「吃飯、睡覺、打東東。」.....問到最後一隻企鵝,牠說:「吃飯、睡覺。」博士問:「為什麼沒有打東東呢?」..牠說:「因為我就是東東。」As the sad news of the death of co-founder and former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, hits the headlines, we pay tribute by sharing his 'Presentation Secrets' ... As the sad news of the death of co-founder and former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, hits the headlines...
