Steve Wozniak on Newton, Tesla, and why the original Macintosh was a 'lousy' product | The Verge 1.人都還沒下車,上車的人就搶著擠進來... 2.帶著味道很重的食物站在通風口的人... 像是炸雞、雞排等食物 3.車廂裡大聲說說話、聊天的人們 4.大聲講電話 5.傳教的人 這情形台灣很少見,但南韓蠻常出現的,有的還會直接把宣傳紙放在你腿上,結束後再自己收走... 6.在車廂內卿卿我Previous Story Congress blasts military and national telecom agency for not sharing wireless... Next Story Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev indicted on charges of using... Apple 5 Minutes on The Verge Interview Steve Wozniak on Newton ......