stick - definition of stick by The Free Dictionary 翻拍自新浪博客(示意圖,非本人) 我想靠北我自己,我的家境不是很好爸媽也欠親戚錢(爸爸生意失敗921房子倒還有小孩教育扶養,這十幾年來爸爸欠了我奶奶兩個姑姑錢,媽媽也跟舅舅他們借錢,目前都還ㄧ半以上)。我小時候都會自卑假日還要去賣菜賣花或是去田工作~從小很多男生追求但是我覺得家裡窮很stick (stĭk) n. 1. A long slender piece of wood, especially: a. A branch or stem that has fallen or been cut from a tree or shrub. b. A piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber, or shaped for a specific purpose. c. A wan...