stop forum spam database

stop the database state » NO2ID   節目裡的這位大廚,可不會輕聲細語地教你烹飪…   有一次現場直播的觀眾爆料,他當天在錄製時說了111次以「F」打頭的髒話… 111次…   他的辯解理由是:如果不在廚房裡開火,廚師怎麼會有熱情? 嗯….你開心What We Stand For NO2ID is a campaigning organisation. We are a single-issue group focussed on the threat to liberty and privacy posed by the rapid growth of the database state, of which "ID cards" were the most visible part. We are entirely independent....


How we stop comment and trackback spam - Akismet ▲最近在網路上常常看到女生戴口罩自拍,許多人都相信戴口罩的就是正妹。(source:how321,下同)   很多人看到女生戴口罩都會疑惑是感冒了還是身體哪裡不舒服?但是停止這些刻板思想了!因為連外國人都觀察出來:其實台灣的女生很愛戴口罩!而且戴口罩的人大多數也是女生,你知道這是為什麼嗎We hate spam as much as you do We all hate spam. It’s annoying. It hurts your site’s credibility. Filtering it manually is confusing and time-consuming. Time spent dealing with spam is time stolen from the business of your site....


Free 'no cold callers' sign: stop nuisance calls, junk mail - MSE ▲(source:memolition,下同)   以前很多人都以為刺青是學壞的象徵,但是現在大多數的人對刺青都抱有一種崇敬或紀念的態度,所以刺青千萬不可以隨便,畢竟這是要留在你身體上一輩子的東西啊! 根據memolition報導,這裡有5個人為了想表達自己對某樣東西的重視與喜愛,竟選擇TPS won't stop all calls. It's a register, not an automatic blocking device. Companies have a legal requirement to check if your number's on it, to establish if it's allowed to call you. However if you're being plagued by competition calls, then sometimes...


Premium & spam SMS general discussion - Mobile carriers   今天要講一個美國人的傳奇人生…..   Jeremy,出生在加州小鎮的一個貧困家庭。他淪落成街頭混混,加入了當地的黑幫組織,盡做些違法犯罪的勾當。   萬萬沒想到,原本是小流氓的他,卻因一張通緝照被徹底改變了…… &nbsThank you for helping me with my previouse post: forum-replies.cfm?t=891619 I did sms STOP to: MC 19951111 00:00:00 All Day $4.09 $4.09 I got a reply on the 07/01/08: [FreeMsg] Thanks. You have been unsubscribed from HotMobileBabes Club. To be in the $ .....


Want to stop consumer lifestyles cold calling you? Here's how... - Forums   美國新總統川普自從上任以來,天天上頭條,忙得天翻地覆!         這個時候,前任退休的歐巴馬在幹嘛呢?我們一起來看一看吧!       大家還記得,退休前的歐巴馬是這樣的吧?頭髮花白,眉頭緊鎖,滿面愁容...So after months of receiving between 3 and 6 calls a day from this 'company' and I use that term very loosely, I got fed up of them not listening to my requests to remove us from their database. I did a bit of digging around and found out a bit of informa...


[GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic - Spam Firewall stops forum spam - Forum小貝今年一開年就遇上大事兒了!   前幾天,貝克漢被捲入「郵件事件」——駭客竊取並曝光了他的1800多萬封郵件。   然後,他苦心經營了二十多年的完美名聲,就此崩塌。       事件之前,貝克漢的形象是這樣的   [GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic - Spam Firewall stops forum spam vBulletin 4.x Add-ons ... Reference this feature ... New registrations are checked against the known spammer database at If the email, IP, or username exists in their database ......
