當「地獄神廚」Gordon 遇上愛搞怪的網友們的「恐怖食物」們會說些什麼呢?爆笑「神回覆」太有趣啦~
stop the database state » NO2ID 節目裡的這位大廚,可不會輕聲細語地教你烹飪… 有一次現場直播的觀眾爆料,他當天在錄製時說了111次以「F」打頭的髒話… 111次… 他的辯解理由是:如果不在廚房裡開火,廚師怎麼會有熱情? 嗯….你開心What We Stand For NO2ID is a campaigning organisation. We are a single-issue group focussed on the threat to liberty and privacy posed by the rapid growth of the database state, of which "ID cards" were the most visible part. We are entirely independent....