stop short of definition

Stop short of - Idioms by The Free Dictionary 咦?正妹御用的手機App是什麼哇? 談到「分享生活」,你會想到什麼?很簡單,在這個網路 E 世代,人人都是手機一族、社群玩咖的狀況下,「App」成了最「in」的分享方式,花招多到數不完,不但可以立馬傳出去之外,還有豐富的效果款式任君挑選,讓你可以創造個人高流量,吸睛度百分百!本次 JUKSY 就邀Define stop short of: to decide not to do something I stopped short of telling him what I really felt about him. See also: of, short, stop 1. to decide not to do ......


stop short of sth Meaning in Cambridge English Dictionary 英國喬治小王子最新萌照! Cath Kidston 英倫風的皇家衛兵圖紋針織背心超可愛! 英國王室日前公布喬治小王子最新官方照片,傳遞耶誕祝福,照片中喬治小王子穿著Cath Kidston極具英倫代表性的的皇家衛兵圖紋針織背心,超可愛的古典學院風裝扮,展現小小紳士風格!皇家小衛兵是Cath Kid6 days ago ... stop short of sth meaning, definition, what is stop short of sth: If you stop short of doing or saying something, you decide not to do or say it ......


Stop short | Define Stop short at FILA首辦「FILA COOL RUN」酷樂路跑熱力放送 選定十大浪漫聖誕景點東海大學開跑,打造結合音樂、健康與時尚的路跑派對 Energized Rubber系列專業慢跑鞋,最新研發中底科技,釋壓回彈動能再升級   【台北訊】據調查顯示(據運動筆記SportsNote「2014跑步大Also, stop one short. Check abruptly, as in When we tried to cross the street, the barrier stopped us short. [Early 1300s ]. 2. Cause someone to stop speaking, ......


stop short of something | WordReference Forums   最近你會發現街頭上漸漸有運動時尚的趨勢,不僅是從各家品牌中可以發現這個情形,11月6日開賣的Alexander Wang X H&M以極限運動精神設計的聯名系列,吸引大批人潮在店門外漏夜搭帳篷排隊,搶到的人也瘋狂拍照上傳,在時尚圈中引起超級熱烈迴響!不僅是運動服飾開始融入時尚元素,連23 Jan 2008 ... Could anyone tell me the exact meaning of the expression "stop short of smth/ saying or doing something"? What I've already found in......


Urban Dictionary: stop short 從1996 年開始投身籃壇起,科比在18 年的職業生涯中贏得了不少榮耀。今天早上,在湖人對陣森林狼的NBA 常規賽中,科比憑藉一粒罰球,奪得320000 分的職業總得分,這代表著他超越喬丹,榮陞至NBA 歷史得分榜第三位。為紀念這歷史性的一刻,NIKE 特地推出KOBE 9 Elite Low &Top Definition. stop short. To brake suddenly in order to cop a feel while " restraining" your passenger from being thrown forward. "How dare you stop short with ......


stop short of - definition of stop short of in English from the Oxford ...『全能星天王』吳克羣才剛成立了自己的經紀公司及潮流品牌DEBRAND,短短1年的時間,吳克羣宣佈將在信義區ATT 4 FUN開張第二間DEBRAND實體店面,更特別選在良辰吉日進行剪彩開幕儀式!而今天吳克羣也親自擔任『一日店長』,回饋一直以來支持的消費者,更以成為最有『溫度』的品牌為目標! 吳克羣自Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content. ... Not go as far as (some extreme action): the measures stopped short of  ......
