KOBE BRYANT巨星風采再現 全新鞋款革命問世│MILK雜誌
How much water falls during a storm? USGS Water Science School 小飛俠天馬行空新款球鞋融入拳擊血統 2006 年KOBE 系列正式誕生開始,由KOBE BRYANT、NIKE 首席執行長MARK PARKER、以及球鞋設計師ERICAVAR,三人每年為大家帶來意想不到的驚喜;今年MILK潮流誌遠赴LA目睹這位傳奇球星的巨星光采,同時也獨家訪問到這位超級巨星,讓How much water falls during a storm? Maybe it is the middle of July in Georgia and both you and your tomatoes are wilting in your yard, both looking to the sky and hoping for rain. Or maybe a low-pressure cell has been napping overhead and your arm is hur...