strategy analytics smartphone q1 2014

Strategy Analytics Blogs - Predictive Analysis | Intelligent Analysis | Strategic Market 不管在世界的哪一個角落Google’s effort to capture “the next five billion” smartphone users, with its Android One initiative has got a muted response till now. ... Strategy Analytics reports global Bluetooth headset sales will grow 12% during the next five years. While mono head...


Strategy Analytics: Samsung Recaptures Title as World's Largest Smartphone Vendor in Q1 2015 -- BOSTBOSTON, April 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Strategy Analytics: Samsung Recaptures Title as World's Largest Smartphone Vendor in Q1 2015. ... BOSTON, April 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global smartphone ......


Strategy Analytics: Android Captures Record 85 Percent Share of Global Smartphone Shipments in... --  「同性相斥、異性相吸」的道理亙古不變,男性為了喜愛的女性絞盡腦汁,想出各種方法只為搏得伊人注意,女性則為心儀的男性精心妝扮,希望在眾多人中讓他立刻就注意到自己的存在。雖然話說的冠冕堂皇「看人不要只看外表」,但是第一眼的印象本來就是決定彼此是否合得來的關鍵原因,更有許多人不避諱的承認自己BOSTON, July 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Strategy Analytics: Android Captures Record 85 Percent Share of Global Smartphone Shipments in Q2 2014. ... BOSTON, July 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global ......


Smartphone Market Leaders, Samsung And Apple, Both Lost Share In Q1, Says Analyst | TechCrunch   不然肯定都罵到你愛妻了XDStrategy Analytics has put out its latest smartphone market figures for Q1, and the market watcher has Samsung and Apple both losing share in the quarter. While Apple’s marketshare being squeezed by Android OEMs is nothing new, Samsung’s dip is the first ...


Predictive Analysis | Intelligent Analysis | Strategic Market Research | Strategy Analytics 不知道正面看起來怎麼樣......Strategy Analytics helps clients build defensible, distinctive strategies to win in complex technology markets. Call us today on 01908 423600 ... Some cookies on our site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. These cookies are s...


Q1 2014 Tablet Shipments: Android 65.8%, iOS 28.4%, Windows 5.8% 所謂的奇蹟其實就是一朵香菇...Global tablet shipments in Q1 2014 reached 57.6 million units, up 19 percent from 48.3 million in Q1 2013. Breaking those numbers down, Android secured 65.8 percent global share, iOS grabbed 28.4 percent, and Windows secured 5.8 percent. Here’s the full b...
